Platio – Smart Banking Ecosystem

image.pngGreetings to you all readers, in this article i will be discussing what exactly this brand new and groundbreaking innovation(Platio) is all about and i will appreciate your standing by till the end.

In the modern internet space, more and more attention is paid to cryptocurrency investments and the investment market and Blockchain is becoming the cornerstone of modern innovation and has the potential to revolutionize the world. Recognizing this potential, we at Platio have assembled a professional team of budding entrepreneurs and seasoned investors to create an all-encompassing blockchain trading platform. Since cryptocurrency is designed for mainstream adoption, our platform will be a stop-shop for clients that intend to earn huge returns on investment. We will create a user-friendly system that incorporates both traditional markets and the blockchain based assets.

What is Platio?

Platio is the all-in-one smart banking platform for crypto, fiat, and stock assets. Supported by EOS blockchain technology, this platform will offer users a safe and convenient way to manage transactions between traditional and digital finance. Users can make payments in crypto via SEPA / SWIFT and debit cards.

Smart banking plans plan to build trust with unique ‘Asset Guard’ and ‘Smart Escrow’ products . Both use smart contracts to protect Platio users from the main challenges of the crypto world.

The Platio app will run on iOS as well as on Google Android, in addition to Internet-based software. The financial environment of Wisdom Platio includes many elements and features that interact to provide customers with smooth transaction procedures. Platio can adapt the element to the requirements associated with each individual and company, ensuring that each of them will appreciate the advanced capabilities for cryptocurrency transactions. Knowing that Platio plans to release the following items along with special features related to each person and company.

Why Platio?

Traditional banks are very selective in the services they provide for crypto users within their current banking systems. They have not embraced the digital coin era, or the way
cryptocurrencies have evolved. Being fully compliant, regulated and technologically advanced, Platio solves this problems with easy access to the Platio Ecosystem, using tokenization of assets based on EOS technology, and supporting the three types of assets: crypto, fiat and stocks.
Specifically, Platio’s goal is to provide solutions to crypto users as follows:

Platio SIGN
The actual PGAs ERC20 utility token will be used for transactions in the Platio environment. Actual revenue is created in relation to Platio because each agreement can generate the possibility of generating revenue from a transaction or even membership income.

  • Increased Symbol needs as the number of customers from the Platio Environment grows, more monthly subscriptions are ordered, and more transactions are likely to be made.
    Burning is associated with 50%, which is associated with the growth of Platio to 10% associated with wedding parties PGAS usually remain in the blood circulation in the medium Platio.

DIFFICULT AREA: 34 500 000 Euro
SOFT CAP: 5 000 000 euros
Personal pre-sales BONUS / 20.08.2018 – 07.10.2018
State presales / 08.10.2018 – 21.10.2018
General sales / 22.10.2018-04.11.2018



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Authorship: joecolern

BTT profile link-;u=2246034

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